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Underwater 101 Real Estate Market Navigation Videos

Posted On: August 18, 2009

Our parent companies managing director hosted and moderated a discussion at the Miami Chamber of Commerce regarding real estate lending, foreclosure and loan modification programs for persons interested in knowing more to assist themselves and for professionals in the field to expand their tool kit.

The Below videos have been removed from the server hosting them... We are in the process of requesting them as they still have value and meaning in this day and age (2018/2019).

Below is a brief description of the overall program and brief notes on the panelists and moderator. What follows will be the videos in chronological order

Description: The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce held a workshop (Underwater 101 Real Estate Market Navigation) on Navigating the Housing Market on July 28, 2009 Foreclosures. Shortsales. Loan Modifications. What is the Impact? Learn about the recent local, state and federal programs such as the 11th Circuit Homestead Access to Mediation Program (CHMP) and Making Homes Affordable established to assist homeowners in their efforts to resolve the escalating real estate problems as well as what options and programs are available and their future implications. Speakers included: Judge Jennifer D. Bailey, Administrative Judge, Civil Division 11th Judicial Circuit Miami-Dade County Courthouse Ned Pope Director, Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program The Collins Center for Public Policy Arden Shank Executive Director & President Neighborhood Housing Services Ed Wilburn Managing Director Great Florida Bank Moderator - Adrian Diaz-Sieckel Managing Director, Broker, LCam for Sieckel LLC

In this first segment are introduced the panelists giving each member five minutes to tell us about what they in specific do and how it relates to the current lending and foreclosure crisis being faced in Miami-Dade County. The first panelist to speak is Judge Bailey.

In this second segment Arden Shank discusses his program and some of the issues that he faces when dealing with lenders and persons seeking loan modifications.

In this third segment Ed Wilburn from Great Florida Bank discusses mortgage lending and the current lending crisis offering both insight and perspective on the issues being faced by current borrowers.

The fourth segment covers Ned Pope and The Collins centers effort in mediation of the current lending crisis through the 11th judicial circuit.

In this fifth segment we get down to asking questions regarding absorption of the current foreclosure docket, ideal scenarios to clear it and manage it, costs to use mediation and counseling services and a few others.

Sixth segment and questions keep coming. First question is answered by Ed Wilburn discussing his banks perspective on the relationship between mortgage brokers and banks and the fallout rate for prospective persons looking for money to purchase a home. Discussion continues on how the face of defaulting owners has changed and the issue of promissory notes.

In this last segment we continue taking audience questions (unfortunately we ran out of time!) covering issues that cause case delays, sale dates, etc.

underwater 101 real estate market navigation
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